Vintage LedLight
Vintage Ledlight, a Belgian family business, is a
well-known LED product manufacturer. Where high end
brands stop, Vintage Ledlight takes things even
further. Leveraging their 35 years of experience in the
lighting sector, they started developing products that,
in their opinion, did not yet have true LED equivalents.
With many people sharing their opinion, Vintage
Ledlight soon became successful.
Since then, they have created a unique and broad range
of LED alternatives to legacy lighting products.
Vintage Ledlight also stands out from the competition
with its high-quality offering, a CRI of +80 and
+90, a 3-year warranty, and a selection of colour
temperatures: 2000°, 2200°, 2300°, 2500°, 2700°
and 3000°. In addition, their lamps are perfectly
dimmable and are gradually being made FlickerFree.
Lighting is their core business and their passion, and
they constantly strive to update and improve their
products. Almost any existing lamp can be replaced
by an LED alternative, helping you lower your energy